
Showing posts from 2013

My peak hours in year ending...

   During the  peak hours of year ending more than keeping memories I would like to keep expectations of coming year and :-).      It's more colourful to keep good expectations than tiring memories of past.      It's better to plan my tommorrows . If there is an expectation we can try for the expection and can be filled with postive energy. :-) Happy New Year :-)                           -#Jithin Mathew

Exams the test of match

  Realy exams are the test of match of your knowledge value with some others knowledge. That means the exams that you appear can't value you completly in all defination. It's merely a test of matching your knowledge with some values which is to be assumed as a standard.      If you have this knowledge now can find your failures are footstep to success.

Uniqueness never die

        Never a man can immitates the other. Even though everyone of us  love difference we are not ready to accept the difference in others. But this is necessary all time because this kind of attitude of others in you sharpens your uniqueness.   It's universal truth that there is uniqueness in everything . Uniqueness brings colours to the world . It brings relations and happiness to this beautiful world.Ultimate secret behind the existence of this beautiful earth. "Boost up your uniqueness and show up you in society "


"Summaries of memories is dream" - Jithin Mathew

Key to success

Everyone in this world is so eager to know about the key to success. Realy the key to success is what is inside us. The question before you at each seconds of your life is eluxer if success. Each and every brilliant questions are important than answers. It is more difficult to ment a question than answering it. What is life is answer to the questions around you. If you are capable to ask questions along these ones you are in the right track of success. "Ask questions and be a winner of life" -Jithin Mathew  

What we need stability or instability ?

    This question sometimes rid you. But actually this relevant according to situation. one should be stable in his stand, decisions, attitudes...Even though I said one should be unstable.                                                    ...!!!Think!!!...            There is lot of reason behind this thought a reaction can take place only if the reacting medium is unstable. Why human beings take food? Answer simple to be unstable or get rid away from stable state " death ". Even though stability reflect our personality sometimes it appears as a life less state.       Universe has the inherent tendency to force everything inside...

The need of Living dreamz.

                    Dreams guide us to our tommorrows. But it became useful if and only if we give life to the dreams. Inorder to make dreams living we have to do from our part too. A seed can grew up if it get a fertile soil and the fertile soil for dreams is our soul.

Exams never ends

     Life is completly an exam. If you are capable to suceed in these exams then you are real winner.So never fear exams and learn to defend. The ultimate weapon to face life is courage.

Cherries in your life

      Taste the flavour in red. Your life some times taste like this . Enjoy your life as like you tasts it .

The most glittering

       I feel a great glittering only in one thing ... It's nothing but mother's love where I experienced in my life. Also we can found that it is most purest form  of anything in this world. We can't compair nothing with mothers true affection to its baby.     No one can other than her mother in the same quantity that she love her child.    Eventhough let's try to gove our maximum to them.

Sphere in my life

     "A good friendship is like endless sphere" .            We can't find any end in them like a sphere.There is no limits. If you have a good number of friendz then it will be the one of the great achievement in your life.   1)  A good friend is always be a    mirror always guides you in your roads.   2)  A good friend is always be a support in your failures.   3)  A good friend is always be a good guide in your life   4)  A good friend always correct you in your mistakes   5)  A good understands you greatly...            If you have a friend with some of this quality  then you are lucky specially point(4)

Living Dreams

Dreams never ends. It will continued ....

Spectrum of mind

                                                          " Face is a fine spectrum of mind"  A person and his personality purely reflects in his face. From glowing face itself we can read on. What is mind is realy reflected to face in the form expersion. our face is flexible to mould different expression. And also faces bears an elasticity. Sometimes in some ecpersion that face mould continously it lost its elasticity to it's intial glow and moulded to plastic expresion which can't be remoulded so easily.       So always bear smile in your face to keep your mould mind glowing and attract everyone to you . - Jithin Mathew

Theory of infinity in our life.

    Eventhough we feel that one is infinitively filled with good characters some times this assumption becomes wrong . As like our  infinity sided/-->zero sided polygon circle . -Jithin Mathew

Waiting for start?

    It is one of the most common problem faced by world starting . Everyone in this world waiting for a good start. But actually the birth of a good start start from your sleep itselp. The portion of planning in the form of dreams. Expect better and have good start.

Reality of infinity in our eyes.

    Infinity is one of the great finding. Because the whole world itself bear the feature of infinity.Number of sides for a circle /edges for a sphere an example infinity that is any number divided by circular shaped zero os equal Number of sides of shape.truely we can relaye shapes to mathematics. What we can find that geometry is pictorial mathematics. Eventhough we feel it as greater it can be hold in a ball or atom. Since what am going to explain is infinity is absolutely relative number. As whole we can summerize that whole branch mathematics is relative.

From where you have to observe measurements and calculation in science???

   You have to watch and makeup science from the point of your need...If you think deep non of the law works even you cant take measurements...Only ideal laws which never occur naturally remains all others get invalid... Like the prediction of no of sides of circle....

What relativity says who small?

   For an observer from outer space am realy a too small creature but for me an ant is little big think which is important? It's nothing frame of refrence is important.....

What world needs talent or score in exams?

        According to me the world needs the talented ones who think different who view everything with questions. Book eaters are realy reproducers not creaters. Normally talented ones are back in there educational value but also human being needs education to know to fill up the foundation of the creativity.

Where darkness end?

   Darkness is the feeling of our mind darkness have tje power to store energy but everyone likes stability a liberated state from all kind of energy whats brightness of day offers. Keep your mind open like a window then you ftee supply of energy which provides an equillibrium with universe thats the real freedom from darkness.

Language of science....

       Do u know the language of science?... Mathematics the language of science .... Without mathematics there is no life for science....

3. It's time for correction.

         After your perfect study you will certainly find out mistakes in your dream. so it's the best time of correction .... and go ahead next tip on coming update

steps of project work(Innovative)

       It's the first step or ultimate quality an inventor requires.     Dream your project and connect with your day life... Next tip on coming updates.

2. what's next to dreaming?????

          It's always a's nothing perfect study of nook and corners of your dream..... next tip on coming update

The magic wand gifted you by GOD....

           Each and everyone in this world is  gifted with a beautiful  magic which cannot be taken in our hands but than can be used .... Do you know whats that ? ............. ........... ........... Think! ......... .........          It's nothing but your brain.. Magic wand that can do miracles in this beautiful world...   It's the only thing what we have to do learn to use it. Learn the secret magical spells....Use it and enjoy this universe Visit for more tips to find magic wand.

what is stability?

     stability it is one of the condition in which exterior atmospheric condition become similar to interior condition.....                               -Jithin Mathew

Difference between living organisms and non living ones.

     The real difference is here non living ones love stability but the living thinghates stability and they  having there food to be unstable......

Transparency ....

      Transparency of your dream with your real world will makes you something great.....                               -Jithin mathew

Alcohol killer of dreams

Alcohol 'disrupts sleep cycles'


Memories have the power to brouht happiness to you and also it has powet to take it away from you...... Gods greatness.

New rise......

This will we a spring for nature in future....