
Showing posts from October, 2014

Just forget lonliness and built your life

Just forget the lonliness and built your life.      While I started my education at a distance Journeys to there always tires me both mentally and physicaly. These tiring journeys actualy hardly affects the no: of visits @ my home during the ends of my first year B-tech education. finaly I find the real reason behind tireness in my journeys. Its nothing great which is usual same places, journeys in early morning realy blind my  eyes,journeys in sleepy hours. More than above all reasons I drasticaly fears the loneliness in throughout journey.   From there B-tech class rooms itself I starts to learn the lessons to face the lonliness in real life. From the time I started B-tech education I loss immense supply of helping hands and almost in everything I am alone there. There I starts to learn to take decesions , learn  lessons to leave the killing / suffocating loneliness by sparing those hours in thinking. I dreams my tommorrows,well planned my schedules to my passion. I know each and